Alessandro Zamboni

This is Alessandro Zamboni's premium newsletter. You got here by purchasing his products, or by subscribing on a squeeze page.

Happy New Year!

Published: Sat, 12/31/22

Hello and welcome!Happy New Year! Here’s to feeling thankful for the year behind and enthusiastic for the year ahead!For me 2022 has been mostly…

Massive New Year PLR Discounted Sale!

Published: Thu, 12/29/22

Hello and welcome! I hope that this new year will bring you lots of joy, happiness and profits.Talk of profits...I have got the best New Year Gift for…

Get Unrestricted Rights On 20,000 Items!

Published: Tue, 12/27/22

Hello and welcome!Would you like to get e clusive access to 20,000+ high-quality and evergreen PLR products with FULL Unrestricted Use Rights? + You…

Merry Christmas ❤️

Published: Sat, 12/24/22

Hello and welcome! It's Christmas time! So in this email, I wish you a happy Christmas day. Even if you are not Christian, this is a special day to…

My "Christmas Deals 2022" is Live!

Published: Fri, 12/23/22

Hello and welcome!Have you heard about Christmas Deals?From today I'm giving away all my 2022 products for only 17 bucks! This bundle will help you…

A Dream Come True

Published: Wed, 12/21/22

Hello and welcome!Marketing is an art, and while we are no artists, we have spent years learning and perfecting the formula to use marketing to make…

Bundled Up For Christmas?

Published: Mon, 12/19/22

Hello and welcome! Today Dawud Islam has released an amazing collection of 88 products (yes! 77 front-ends and 11 OTOs.)It's an unbelievable amount of…

Christmas is Coming, And I'm Back!

Published: Sun, 12/18/22

Hello and welcome! Yesterday I finally came home from those holidays. My father has been so happy to see Cadiz, eat fish, and walk on the sea.We spent…

Last Day And It Will Be Gone!

Published: Fri, 12/16/22

Hello and welcome! Last day for me in Sevilla, and last day for Barb Ling and Dennis Becker's product...Jokes apart, this has been a wonderful time I…

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